Dr. Ronald K. and Sheila P. Powell

Dr. Ronald K. and Sheila P. Powell
Pastors of Crosswinds Christian and Counseling Center, Macon, Ga. (478) 254-3143

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Renewing the Mind (Party 1)


I. Representative Biblical references

A. Attitudes of mind that need to be renewed
Rom. 1:28 - "a depraved mind, to do things which are not proper"
Rom. 8:5,7 - "mind set on the flesh" *
Rom. 12:16 - "haughty in mind" *
II Cor. 4:4 - "blinded the minds of unbelieving"
II Cor. 11:3 - "minds led astray from simplicity and purity to Christ" *
Eph. 2:3 - "the desires of the flesh and of the mind"
Eph. 4:17 - "the futility of their mind" *
Phil. 3:19 - "set their minds on earthly things" *
Col. 1:21 - "alienated and hostile in mind"
Col. 2:18 - "inflated without cause by a fleshly mind" *
Titus 1:15 - "their mind and their conscience are defiled" *

B. Calls for renewal
Rom. 12:2 - "be transformed by the renewing of your mind" *
II Cor. 4:16 - "our inner man is being renewed day by day" *
Eph. 4:23 - "be renewed in the spirit of your mind" *
Col. 3:10 - "the new man is being renewed to a true knowledge..." *
Titus 3:5 - "renewing by the Holy Spirit"

C. Attitudes of a renewed mind
Isa. 26:3 - "the steadfast of mind Thou wilt keep in perfect peace"
Jere. 17:10 - "I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind"
Jere. 20:12 - "The Lord who seest the mind and the heart"
Matt. 22:37 - "Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength" *
Rom. 14:5 - "let each man be fully convinced in his own mind" *
I Cor. 2:16 - "we have the mind of Christ"
Phil. 2:5 - "have this mind in you which was also in Christ Jesus" *
Phil. 4:8 - "whatever is true, right, pure...let your mind dwell on these..." *
Col. 3:2 - "set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth" *
Heb. 8:10; 10:16 - "I will put my laws into their minds"
I Pet. 1:13 - "gird your minds for action" *
Rev. 2:23 - "I am He who searches the minds and hearts"

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